The Spooky Truth: Halloween Antics Could Damage Your Braces

Temptations are everywhere on Halloween, especially for adolescents who wear braces. All that glorious candy, all those fun costumes, all the stuff they should not partake of because of the brackets and wires on their teeth. This spooky holiday can lead to some serious frights if you aren’t careful. Orthodontic patients, follow these tips from your Center City orthodontist to avoid damage, disaster, and a trip to the orthodontist on November 1.

Carefully Consider Candy Consumption

Let’s start with the easiest and most expected warning: Watch the kind of candy you eat. You might want to give yourself a free pass on Halloween and dig into those gummy worms, jawbreakers, candy apples, lollipops, gumballs, and licorice, but resist with all your might. No hard, sticky candies are any good for your orthodontic journey.

There are plenty of other chocolate candies to consume, and they are softer and melt faster. Choose solid chocolate bars or peanut butter cups. Avoid anything stuffed with nuts, caramel, or other sticky and crunchy fillings so you don’t break a bracket or wire.

Indulge All at Once

When you do finally settle on a sweet that is braces-friendly and satisfies your Halloween appetite, do your best to indulge all in one sitting instead of throughout the night. This behavior lets you get your fill of the treats you love best and then you can go brush and floss your teeth afterward. It’s not good for sugar and bacteria to hang around on your brackets, wires, and elastics. Cleaning braces quickly and often is the smart move and keeps your teeth and orthodontia in good shape (whether you’re wearing conventional braces or Invisalign Teen).

Be Smart About Costume Choice

By the time kids are wearing braces, they’re usually of the age when they barely wear a Halloween costume and instead go with whatever is in their closet and throw on a glow necklace or vampire teeth. That last item is where the problem arises.

You won’t be able to add dental accessories this year – no fangs, grills, or monster dentition. Even when mouthpieces are plastic or kind of squishy, the last thing you want to do is irritate your hardware and gums and potentially pull off your orthodontics. Aim for a costume that is braces-friendly or, if you really want to cover up your teeth, wear a spooky mask or be a ninja.

Protect Your Mouth

If you are a big fan of getting dressed up on Halloween, and you have no intention of messing with your teeth in the process, it’s still essential to be cautious. If you cover your face with a mask or have a cape or robe that flow around your feet, you could fall on those busy sidewalks or streets with rowdy friends and hit the ground faster than ever anticipated.

The potential result? Dental damage, including orthodontic damage and possibly a knocked out or dislodged tooth. Stick to safe shoes with good traction and accessories that aren’t going to trip you up or get in the way of a good time.

Make It a Happy Halloween

Halloween is supposed to be fun and your braces will not interfere with this good time. Just make smart decisions throughout the night and as you plan for the day, keeping your hardware in mind. Have questions or concerns? Schedule a consultation with orthodontists Drs. Roberts or de Marsche in Center City, Philadelphia.