4 Ways to Show Your Orthodontics Some Love

show orthodontics love roberts and de marsche center city orthodontistsYour Center City orthodontist understands – you may be one of the patients who isn’t in love with their braces. Nevertheless, it’s still important to take care of those braces. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it’s a good time to for some reminders about the best ways to maintain your braces and oral health when you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment.

1. Brush ‘em, Brush ‘em, Brush ‘em

You can’t clean your teeth too often when you wear braces. Whether you are an Invisalign patient or wear conventional metal braces, frequent brushing and flossing is the key to keeping your teeth clean and healthy underneath that orthodontia.

Special tools are necessary to clean in and around brackets and wires, and your orthodontist will recommend special cleaning products to ensure your Invisalign aligners are sparkling. It’s up to you to follow the instructions you’re given and be dedicated to the cleanliness of your teeth and braces. Sparkly, shining braces and trays mean more sparkly, shinier, more attractive smiles.

2. Watch What You Eat

If Valentine’s Day comes with gifts of candy and sweets, take it easy on the sugar and anything that could damage your hardware, like sticky or crunchy treats. If you can’t resist indulging, try to stick with soft chocolate which melts quickly and doesn’t linger, and brush your teeth thoroughly afterward.

If you’re an Invisalign wearer, you do not have any food restrictions. Whether you have Invisalign for adults or Invisalign Teen, the trays are removable – in fact, the trays must be removed for every meal or snack to make sure they aren’t damaged or discolored. But it’s still necessary to brush and floss after eating so you don’t lock your super-snug aligners together tightly with bacteria and food particles. That’s the fast route to decay.

3. Smile!

Smiling is good for you! It makes you happier, makes others happier, and reduces stress. So even if you’re sporting brackets or aligners, always try to be proud of your braces and don’t hesitate to bestow a smile. Your teeth are looking better every day that you have your orthodontics in place, so it’s time to get used to smiling at others, at not covering up your mouth anymore because you’re embarrassed about your teeth. Smile and you will feel the love.

4. Focus on the Goal

Braces are a commitment, and they demand your time and attention, usually for a year at minimum. Some orthodontic treatments take a little less time if your misalignment is not severe or you just need to shift a few teeth into place, but you can expect a few years of responsibility when it comes to orthodontics. Instead of being daunted, focus on the goal – a straight, healthy, gorgeous set of teeth. It’ll happen faster than you realize, you’ll be a much more disciplined person because of your treatment, and you’ll wonder why you fussed so much in the process.

Find out what kind of braces are right for you and what you can do along the way to show them some love. Contact your Center City orthodontists and Invisalign providers, Dr. Roberts and Dr. de Marsche, to schedule an appointment.