3 Ways to Become an Invisalign Influencer

Invisalign influencer center city orthodontistDo you cringe at the sight of your crooked or gapped teeth when you scroll through Instagram or Facebook photos? Become an Invisalign patient, and you will have the power to change the direction of your social media status, from grimacer to influencer, lukewarm smile to megawatt grin. Are you up for documenting your Invisalign journey on social media from start to finish?Read more

The 4 Biggest Reasons to Be Thankful for Center City Invisalign

thankful for Invisalign Roberts & de Marsche Center CityInvisalign is a beautiful thing for the people who opt for this type of orthodontic treatment: All the benefits of braces without any of the hassle, or any of the obvious drawbacks, like brackets and wires that poke your gums and lips, or broken hardware that requires emergency trips to the orthodontist. As you give thanks for all the things in your life this Thanksgiving, add Invisalign to the list, whether you’re thinking about becoming a patient or already are one.Read more

6 Ways to Enjoy Halloween with Braces

halloween braces center city orthodontists roberts and de marscheBraces do not have to ruin your fun on Halloween. They simply force you to think more carefully before you indulge in whatever sweets are in the candy basket. Here are 10 important rules to follow so you don’t damage your orthodontics – or your teeth – celebrating October 31.Read more

4 Food and Drink Rules for Invisalign-Wearers

eating drinking wearing invisalign center city invisalign providersIt’s a hard and fast rule of Invisalign: You can enjoy all the foods and drinks you love the most with no restrictions, but aligners must be removed for all meals and snacks. This order sounds simple enough, but there are some braces-oriented instructions about eating and drinking that Invisalign-wearers still need to observe.Read more

Get Straight Teeth with Invisalign in Time for Your Wedding

Invisalign for wedding center city roberts and de marscheWedding prep happens months in advance for the most serious brides and grooms. Not only do you want every detail of the day to go according to your vision, you want to look your very best. Exercise, diet, hair style, and makeup all work together to create that flawless wedding look, but there’s one important element that shouldn’t be forgotten – your smile. Invisalign can get your teeth where you want them to be in time for your “I do.”Read more

Don’t Like the Look of Braces? Choose Invisalign

get invisalign from center city invisalign provider roberts and de marscheYou would be hard-pressed to find someone who loves the appearance of braces. OK, maybe you could find a few celebs who aren’t shy about their braces – Gwen Stefani, Faith Hill, and Tom Cruise all showed up on red carpets showing off their hardware, some more noticeable than others. If you haven’t already made a name in your line of work, however, or if obvious metalwork on your teeth isn’t going to do you any favors personally or socially, you’ll love the look of Invisalign, the nearly invisible way to straighten your teeth.Read more

Braces Won’t Interfere with Your Job

braces and career center city orthodontistGood teeth are an asset to any career. Whether you work alone, in a group, in an office, or on the road, a beautiful smile is a great resume-builder. If you have crooked teeth or other alignment issues, however, you may not speak up, shy away from opportunities, or avoid meaningful connections because you’re embarrassed by your smile. Braces give you the great smile you want – and they won’t interfere with your job along the way.Read more

What You Need to Know About Losing Baby Teeth and Getting Youth Braces

losing baby teeth getting youth braces center city orthodontistLosing the first baby tooth is an exciting milestone, and it is often accompanied by the thought, “Is my child going to need braces?” It may be too soon to tell whether your child will have crooked teeth or a bad bite – they still have so much growing to do – but when and how your child loses their baby teeth, and how their adult teeth erupt, can say a lot about what’s to come for their orthodontic future.Read more

5 Reasons Invisalign Braces Are a Good Fit for Adults

invisalign braces good for adults center city orthodontistSome adults surprise themselves by realizing they’re thinking about getting braces long past adolescence. Wisdom does come with age, after all, and plenty of grown-ups reach a point where they are ready to finally invest in themselves, their appearance, and their oral health. Invisalign braces for adults are a worthwhile venture for so many reasons.Read more

Can Invisalign Braces Fix Your TMJ Problem?

grinding teeth invisalign braces center cityA tight jaw. Tension headaches. Sore teeth. A clicking or popping jaw. If you wake up with these conditions, there’s a good possibility you are clenching and grinding your teeth while sleeping, which means you’re suffering from a TMJ disorder. This problem can be incredibly painful and will not correct on its own, but Invisalign braces can be your solution.Read more

5 Reasons to Love Your Center City Braces

love center city philadelphia bracesPlenty of Center City braces-wearers complain about their orthodontic treatment, but any discomfort you may feel or inconvenience you may experience is a means to a worthwhile end: beautiful, straight teeth. If resentment is all you feel about your braces, it’s time to look for the positives and open your heart to the benefits of braces.Read more

More Adults Are Getting Invisalign Braces

adults invisalign braces center cityInvisalign braces have made getting straight teeth easier for everyone, especially adults. In fact, according to the American Association of Orthodontics, research done from 1994 through 2010 found that just over 1 million people aged 18 and older get braces annually. Is it time for you to finally get the straight teeth you’ve always wanted by using Invisalign braces?Read more

Invisalign 101: Facts and Figures

Center City Invisalign by the numbersInvisalign braces are a proven innovative solution for aligning teeth. For millions of patients, the thought of being able to straighten their teeth without anyone knowing about it almost feels too good to be true. But it’s not, and you may be an excellent candidate for Invisalign. First, there are a few things you should know about this successful orthodontic treatment.Read more

What Do Braces Feel Like?

what do braces feel like center city orthodontistsAll braces take some getting used to. The good news: While they may feel odd at first, you’ll get used to your braces over time. Plus, for a minor annoyance, you’ll end up with a gorgeous, straight smile when you’re done with your orthodontic treatment.Read more

The Best and Worst Halloween Candies for Braces

worst halloween candy for braces center cityTeens and kids with braces have a love-hate relationship with Halloween. The abundance of sweets is a dream come true, but candy restrictions are not so wonderful. Protecting your teeth from too much sugar is important whether you wear braces or not, but it’s especially critical to tread carefully where Halloween candy is concerned when your child has braces (or you!).Read more

Do I Really Need to Wear a Retainer After Braces?

center city retainers and bracesWhether you wear Invisalign braces or conventional metal braces, orthodontic treatment is a commitment. It’s understandable that after months and sometimes years of braces, a patient simply wants to be done with treatment and enjoy their newly aligned smile. However, the work is not done yet – retainers are a critical part of orthodontic treatment.Read more

It’s Time for Back to School and Youth Braces

back to school youth bracesSome tweens and teens equate back-to-school with braces. And plenty of parents recall moments like, “I got my braces in 7th grade.” Wherever you fall on the spectrum, the important thing to keep in mind is that youth braces don’t have to be a downer. In fact, you may just love the idea of debuting your orthodontia come day one of a new school year.Read more

Can Wisdom Teeth Ruin Youth Braces?

wisdom teeth youth bracesNo orthodontic patient, or former orthodontic patient, wants their straight teeth to be ruined by the eruption of wisdom teeth. But it’s easy to forget about wisdom teeth if they’re not causing any problems. Your orthodontist, however, always has these third molars in mind, especially when it comes to youth braces.Read more

Can My Teen Wear Invisalign?

Invisalign Teen Center CityMany adolescents do not look forward to wearing braces. This initiation into the teen years may feel like a prison sentence for some, who envision missing out on the enjoyment of popcorn, pizza, candy, and all the tasty treats common among their peers. Invisalign Teen, however, has changed the course of orthodontia for many young people. And your teen could be a candidate for this revolutionary treatment.Read more

Does My Child Need Interceptive Orthodontics?

interceptive orthodontics roberts and de marscheIf your dentist tells you that your 8-year-old needs to see an orthodontist, you’re not hearing things. Some children benefit from early orthodontic treatment, which can start as early as age 7. Also known as Phase 1 or interceptive orthodontics, this pre-adolescent treatment can be initiated when baby teeth are still present and some adult teeth have erupted.Read more

When Should Your Child Be Evaluated for Youth Braces?

youth braces center cityYour child may have only lost a few of his or her baby teeth, but that doesn’t mean it’s too soon to see an orthodontist. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children receive an orthodontic evaluation by the age of 7 for one very big reason: There is an earlier phase of youth braces that may simplify and shorten any future need for orthodontic treatment.Read more

Getting Married? Make Invisalign Part of Your Wedding Planning

Center City Invisalign wedding planningBrides and grooms want to look their very best on their wedding day. They work out, watch what they eat, hire stylists and makeup artists. While your figure and attire may be exactly to your liking come the big day, the question is: Will you be satisfied about everything when you look back on the wedding pictures, or will you lament that you celebrated the occasion sporting seriously misaligned teeth? You can change your smile before you get married, and your orthodontics don’t have to get in the way of your wedding planning when you choose Invisalign braces.Read more

Are You a Good Candidate for Invisalign?

good candidate for invisalign center cityIf you want a straight smile, you have undoubtedly given Invisalign some consideration. Your Center City Invisalign provider will have the final say on whether you are a good candidate for this innovative alignment method, but it’s important for you to know now whether this is the right kind of orthodontic treatment for your lifestyle and smile goals.Read more